My Favorite Quote

"Experiencing the journey of finding your own spirit reflected in the world around you is why you are here."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Something New

All right its been a while and time for a new post. A lot has happened since my last post. I made another wedding album this time it was for my cousin and his fiance. It turned out so cute and I am so proud of myself. Their wedding is this week. I took some pictures of the album so I will post them in the next bit, first I am getting a new cord that connects my camera to the computer.
Work is going Great. I am now officially done training, and it feels so good. It will be 5 months on wednesday that I have worked at St Marks and the time has flown by so quickly. I really can't believe it. I found out friday that I am now on the urology team. Yahoo, I guess since I am the only one besides one other girl that will do it. No one wants to work in that room, or have anything to do with it, and when I started since I already new how to scrub urology I was just thrown into it. They call it the "pee" room. Go Figure.... :) In the last month I have been training the older techs and if anyone has a question they always say, "ask Michelle." So yes it is a good thing, but I just don't want to be doing it everyday.
Well Life is GREAT, I love it and so grateful for all the Abundance in it.

1 comment:

KelliAnn Christensen said...

All of these things that I would never even think of! You always have such a good attitude. It just amazes me. And, yes, please post some pictures. :) Sounds like things are just going forward and good in your life. I'm glad to hear it.